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What’s the most dreadful word?

15 Jul

Hey, people! Yours truly is back with a brand new post…. and his attempt to revive his oh-so-dead blog….

Crap, I guess God has been hinting to constantly update my blog but I couldn’t allocate any time, so I think He decided to drop the bomb on me today…

No no,,,, not the “f” bomb, mind you…

It’s the message from 15888… What’s that you say?  Before I reveal to you, let me be a little long-winded with the whole dreaful process…

As you know, I am the Fifth Former, currently studying in Chung Ling High School, and being one of them means that I would have a 50/50 chance to get selected into National Service or PLKNm as they say…

What’s National Service? It’s a very good place for us to train physically and to truly understand the meaning of “1Malaysia”  with 3 different main races, all joined into one centre to have fun….

Did I type as if I enjoy the whole process?

Well, being nervous I was, I immediately sent a message to 1588, to check whether I’ve been seleceted for this camp…. Well turns out…


I seriously thought I could faint at that moment… Whatsoever… I waited for 45 minutes just to get this message sent back to me…. Gosh, this should be the only time that I wished that people could say “MINTA MAAF” to me…

Not to mock anyone or anything… but I guess that being a more artistic person (selling yourself, Brandon?), I don’t think I really fit into this whole physical process…. I’m started to have nightmares and all those concepts about how dreadful this camp could turn out… And and… the food? I’m concerned about the food… What if they give me so little to eat that I ended up crying in bed… Maybe this should be the time that “Glee” plays the role…. I can sing freely with background music coming out from nowhere…

Hah… fine… enough of me venting out my anger…. I think I should really accept what has been given to me, and to just face it…. No matter how long I want to delay this process, it can still haunt me…. argh…..

Angels Without Wings

22 Feb

This song is originally written by my good friend, Chin Chern, titled “Angels Without Wings (Espionage)” and I immediately fell in love with his song. He is so kind to let me “use” his song, and I made it into my own version.

I remained the melody of the verse, but then I changed the chorus. This song tells people that when you think you feel lonely, there is always an angel without wings that is by your side. You are not alone… do you have an angel beside you? Well, I know I do! 🙂

When the holidays are over…

22 Feb

This means that the exams are imminent for schooling children! I guess many of you are claiming that you have no study for the upcoming test, but BOOMZ, when the results are out, many of your results are outstanding and eye-opening!

This will probably be the last post of my blog until the tests are over! And hopefully (fingers crossed!) that I can not be tempted by the power of this computer, to make me online for the whole day until I cannot study! Ok, we all need to study right? I’m just being honest to tell you that everybody is studying ok?

Peace out, people! And remember, good luck!

A Month after the Tragedy

15 Feb


I guess there is no remedy or medicine for our pain to be subsided even if they say “Time is our best medicine”, we as Chung Ling students will not be able to erase the painful memory of our friends who have been with the Lord on 17 January 2010. I’m not here to put my finger on which party should be responsible in this tragedy. The parents of the victims chose to let this tragedy be left behind, leaving only their memories with the victims, why we (the outsiders) should be pinpointing on who is to be responsible?

I remember that I first heard the news through Facebook, and I thought it was a prank at first because I know that fellow Chung Ling students are strong, physically, mentally, so I assume that people are just spreading out rumours. But then I got a message from one of my friends and he told me that one of my friends Jason Ch’ng, has been found, dead. I was lost of words and tears started to come out, so I started to refresh my Facebook every 30 minutes to receive any latest updates.

The undercurrent has mercilessly sucked the eighteen fragile lives into the frigid waters of Macellum Street. Who would ever imagine that such tragedy would happen? Till then, 2 bodies were found and those bodies were the only ones who wore the life jackets. Ironically speaking, the life jackets which resembles life, has been the cause of their death.

I was unable to be at the scene due to transport problem, but I made contact with people from the scene. Of course I turned on the TV for news too but to no avail. The four who are missing were still nowhere to be found, and the rescue team had to be resume their operation next thing in the morning.

It was an emotional struggle for both of their families and their friends. For once, Chung Ling was quiet when I Reached school on Monday. No one talked, no one discussed about anything. Everyone was wondering the same thing? Can anyone live to tell the tale? We were hoping for some great news, but all in return, we learned that the 4 who were missing were all found. Cold, Lifeless, Frigid, Numb….

In just one day, we have lost the lives of one teacher and five of our beloved friends. Some may not know them, but I believe the entire school are experience an emotional torn in them. No one was in the mood for anything, even the teachers had tears in their eyes. Who would ever thought that we would be experiencing death of friends at our last year in school. Those victims had their graduation pictures, had dreams that they want to be successful, had promises to their parents but in the end, we were all greeted by their lifeless faces, lying down on their wooden bed, segregated by a piece of glass.

Never will we hear their voices, never will we hear them calling us, never will we have the chance to work with them, never will we have an outing together with them, but most of all the MEMORIES we have with them will be forever etched in our minds.

Have you ever blame God for taking the lives of 6 people who have talents, leadership, cheekiness, humour, determination and many other criteria that make a better person? Perhaps if we stop and think for a while, maybe God is seeing that we are ignoring our friends day by day, so maybe He should do something to give us a warning. But why 6?

Yes we may have cried, those tears are gone… But it doesn’t mean that it ends here. We still love them, right? We can still move on and be strong even if they are beside us. Remember, they are somewhere up there blessing us, and laughing at us probably.

This is a caricature drawn by my friend, Chin Chern. Brendon is the second boy from left, and he had talent in debating, probably more than me, and he is indeed a diamond in the rough. He was planned to be representing our school for the debate competition, but I guess he could not make it… Well, we will win the competition for you, Brendon! Don’t worry!

No words can describe our pain… I will probably upload a video on a song I wrote for them “They Will Be Loved” once I get the chords right… And yes, they will be loved and remembered, rest assured.

God bless, my fellow readers!

Brendon, You Will Be Remembered

22 Jan


My first and last personal picture with Brendon Yeoh Yuen Khye.

Looking at the picture on the left, my original caption in my blog was "What happens when Brandon and Brendon meet? Nothing!" and it really made me feel regretful for putting this caption.

Most of us are getting more numb, we are learning to face the truth and reality, although we really hope that all of these won’t happened at all.

We attended Brendon’s funeral today in the morning, and it was crowded with students, as we expected. We first took the last glimpse of Brendon before the monks perform the ritual. It was the third day that Brendon’s body had been placed there, so I think most of us couldn’t recognize his face, as his face was deformed. I wish not to describe it as a respect. I wanted to cry but no tears came down. I think I was getting numb of all of these, not that I’m aloof, but the reality has sunk into me. Brendon can’t be with us anymore…

After the ritual, we as his friends came out clubs by clubs to pay respect and bow three times in front of his coffin. When the announcer announced "Debate Club" I stepped forward together with Wooi Keat, Chin Chern, Eric Tan, Kai Deng, Khai Hean, Miss Lim and Wei Huai. We gave our final testimonial to Brendon before bowing. Wooi Keat got really emotional when he shared, with the rest were holding back a lot. I promise my friend that I will stay strong, I will not cry in front of Brendon anymore.

When it was my turn to share, I said, "Brendon, I miss the days when there were two Bra/endon’s to create confusion among friends and teachers. We will always miss you." I teared up a little, but I couraged up myself. Brendon certainly did not want us to weep sadly anymore. We, the Debate Club members, told Brendon that he was an awesome debater who did not need any script to perform, which was commendable.

More clubs came to respect him and soon it was time for us to send Brendon for the last time. We walked for quite a long journey, and my skin got reddish, but I think it was worth it, to send my friend for the last time.
I could not afford to walk the whole journey, so we took the bus straight to Batu Gantung Cremotorium, and we were just in time before Brendon’s coffin being pushed into the machinery. Cameras flashed a lot. *clicks 100 times*.

Sorrow is a fruit; God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it. There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm

WE, as a human being, cannot escape death. It’s just a matter of time when your destiny ends, to be with the Lord. I pray that all the victims can live happily above. Since Jason and Brendon are the members of the Apoms, they should be happy up there. In fact, all of them should be living happily.

God bless, everybody!

Rest In Peace, my Friends

18 Jan

Today, Chung Ling students, friends, relatives, family members, seniors, junior, teachers who have known Jason Ch’ng Wai Seong, Brendon Yeoh Yuen Khye, Goh Yi Zhang, and Mr Chin Aik Siang, shed their tears. I never experienced the death of any friends, and to first receive the news was shocking and doubtful at the same time.

Jason Ch’ng on the left, while Brendon Yeoh on the right…

It’s crazy… One moment you are talking to them, laughing and chatting away all those jokes, then the next day, you received the devastating news of the demise of your friends. We tend to not appreciate our friends while they are in our presence, but the moment we lost them, then we realized how we neglected our friends…

For those who don’t know, Jason Brendon and Yi Zhang were involved in the dragon boat accident which took their dear lives, and to be with the Lord. I feel that they are so young to just leave… I feel that they have so much to do… I feel that they have a bright future to walk towards, but it ended miserably.

It’s weird… To flip through the newspaper, seeing other victims that are not related, you don’t give a damn about them, or maybe you just pray a little prayer in your heart that they will be blessed. But this time, when I look at the newspaper, to see how Brendon’s mum cried, desperately asking his son to come back… that scene, was heartbreaking… To see how parents nurture us to become a filial son, are we not doing our duty by just leaving them?

Hearing Jason’s departure, I swore I wouldn’t want to hear anymore bad news… but God, you played me around… Instead, I heard two more devastating news, I’ve lost 3 of my friends… Though they may not be as close as some… but once a friend, will always remain as a friend…

I remember Jason, once a playful boy in primary school who caused a lot of trouble… but he was a smart boy, who excelled both in academic performance and co-curriculum activities. He loves to tease me during Form 4… He likes to fool around…

Brendon… Most of the teachers always get confused with both of us…We had the different spelling, but the pronunciation is exactly the same… He loved to tease me and sometimes I do get frustrated. But now, I wish he could come back and tease me how many times he want to…


I really don’t want to attend their memorial service but it is a respect I must show…I hate seeing their lifeless and restless face, separated by a piece of wood, it makes me feel so bad…

Rest in Peace, my friends… You will be with the Lord and you will live your life as you wish!

Christmas Greetings!

25 Dec


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and to all of your family, fellow readers!

I’ve just received the letter from school about my school results. Ok, I’ve checked the Internet before then, I even check it every 1 hour just to check my overall position and to which class I was going to be in Form 5. I will be studying in 5SA2. Hopefully the teachers are experienced to teach me since it’s the last year and for preparation for the infamous SPM.

Speaking about SPM, I’m so stressed just to even think about it. I always wonder how will I perform during the exam which will be imminent in 11 months’ time. All the revision, all the homework, like it’s starting to build on me even early on this year 2010.

This year has been a crazy year for me. I was so depressed at many times, but I just have to call out to the Lord, even within a short, small prayer, I just pray that He can give me His strength onto me that with His guidance, I can still  walk through this year.

What I’m nervous about next year, is the teacher mainly. I don’t want to get the useless ones, or the senior teachers who takes everything for granted. SPM is quite important because it can determine your future. Most jobs requires you to have a legal distinction in SPM…

Let us do a recap on my 2009 life:-

One of the most memorable competition I entered was Debate. Here are a few links that are about Debate:-

Road To Finals

Road To Victory

Batu Pahat Debate Competition (Part 1)

Batu Pahat Debate Competition (Part 2)

Batu Pahat Debate Competition (Part 3)

Batu Pahat Debate Competition (Part 4)

Opinions about Debate

Debate Celebration

Personally, I think that debate has really bring out the competitive side in everyone on stage. Through I share little passion towards debate, I still think that entering this competition gives me an experience and memory that I will not forget with my friends. Debate may not be what I like the most, but at least it has given me something that money can’t buy. 🙂

2010 will be a very busy year for Fifth Formers, because we have to prepare for SPM and also the school exams.  I also got to handle my School Communication Group for half of the year before passing the baton the next batch of hopefuls. I also got to record the graduation song which eventually everyone will have a copy of the CD. I hope I have that chance to record the CD…

I have met quite a lot of friends this year, and continue with the relationship of some “old “ friends.

Also, I have to control myself from using the computer too long… I don’t want to hook up with this addicting mechanism.

Christmas is like Jesus’ birthday, who was born in Bethlehem.  Tis’ the season to be jolly!

Before I sign off, I would like to wish everyone of us a merry Christmas once more!

God bless, peace out!

The Teachers (Part 2-In School)

22 Nov

Time really flies, one year has passed so quickly. Form 4 is definitely an eye-opener as it is not a Honeymoon year or whatsoever. People who have this misconception are absurd, as the gap between Form 3 and Form 4 is vast. People, like me, can’t cope initially and just keep on falling and falling, until a certain point. We have to strengthen our base in Form 4 as next year’s SPM will be tested on what we learnt during Form 4 and Form 5. SPM is a major examination in Malaysia, and most of us, including me, want to pass the SPM will flying and flamboyant colours…

I just want to make my own analysis about the Form 4 subjects, teachers… I love to observe things and write them down before I forget… Maybe some time when I am older, I may look back at this blog and go, “wow, I’ve written so many things!”

chinese teacher

Chinese – Oh, the God forsaken subject that I hated the most before entering Form 4. Chinese has always been my Achilles’ Heel even during Form 1. There is something about Chinese that I feel vague about it and cannot fully grasp the richness of the texture of the subject. Plus, the traditional language of Chinese, which is included in our syllabus, adds more frustration for me, as I find myself stuck in translation into simplified Chinese.

Luckily, my Chinese teacher, Miss Lim Gaik Hoon, succeeds in making me to feel what Chinese is all about. She managed to make me feel interested about the subject and actually leaving me wanting to know more about the Chinese. Though I still need to brush up my writing skills, I think I’ve grown to learn more and to love more my mother tongue.  

English – I’m not trying to brag here, but I think my English is far better than my Chinese. Maybe it’s because I’m used to speaking the international language with my family members since young. I love English, I love to explore the vocabulary in English which will lave me awed and amazed. I wouldn’t say that my writing skills are good, I would just say that it is satisfactory. My grammar can be off at times if I am not careful enough. Sometimes, we tend to make mistakes when we are too over-confident at simple, petty stuffs.

My English teacher, Madam Khoo Ee Lin, is a good teacher. Her English is far better than mine. Her quotes in class are “Eh, hello!” and “Hey boys!” Ah, just step into my class and you’ll understand. She told us that she was once a hostile teacher but learned to control her tempers over the year. I think that’s something I need to learn, to control my anger inside of me that I don’t vent it out onto someone. She can be a bit long-winded a bit, but she cares for us deep down.


Malay – The oh-so national language of Malaysia that requires every student to learn. It’s a good thing, at least we can learn an extra language than the other overseas. wakakax. Screw you, cause I don’t like the subject, the vocabulary and grammar are annoying and endless… it seems that you can’t learn this subject at all, you need more practice, I guess. My writing skill is atrocious and I need to solely rely on the notes given to mimic the style of writing. I can’t write on my own… y’all trying to kill me if you are to take away my precious notes…

My Malay teacher, Mr Wong Cu Min is the first male Malay teacher that teaches me. He is Chinese and although he comes across as a stoic person, he has a sense of humour of his own which sometimes we get it, and sometimes we don’t. He is cool in a way that he doesn’t pressure us with tons of homework everyday…He is also my form teacher.

Modern Mathematics – Careless is the word that I can relate to when I think of both Add Math and Modern Mathematics. One little detail can change the whole thing. If you are careless at the first step, then you can say bye bye to full marks. Chung Ling students are famous for outstanding achievement in Mathematics. I can hear a lot of people getting full marks for the paper. I was like, how in the fricking hell can you get full marks? I get paranoid easily when it comes to calculations. I’m always not confident with my answer and have to rely on my friends. During exam, I sweat a lot… I think that this answer maybe wrong, then afterwards, I think that my answer is correct again. The mental stress that I have when I do Mathematics exercise is terrifying me.

Madam Ooi Soo Wei, the pregnant teacher, is my Modern Math teacher. She is very sweet and has an adorable smile, though she can be a bit “emo” at times. Do pregnant ladies get emo? I don’t know… She likes to interact with students when she teaches the lesson. She makes sure that everyone does their homework by checking at specific days. Of course, we like to run around to avoid the checking… She is funny when she speaks with her soft, squeaky voice in class. An adorable teacher, indeed. Too bad she is going to give birth to her baby soon… (can’t see her for a short while) I wish her all the best.

Biology – One of my favourite subjects in Form 4. I don’t like to memorize the facts only which makes my head turn right round, right round. What makes this subject interesting for me, is that we can learn many new things about the biological things around us, such as the function of different cells and the systems inside our body. It is amazing for us to know that may come in handy for us in the future. My Biology has been quite average for me this year and I wish that I can improve more during Form 5. You sometimes have to the risk while reading Biology selectively. Unless you have an enormous brain to fit everything in, you have to do some selective reading, and make sure you study the correct one.

Madam Pang Kee Tin, a recent mother, is my Biology teacher. I think she manages to teach us Biology without putting us to sleep. She teaches for a while and lets us to rest for a while to absorb what she thought. She does her own notes, which I like it, to ease our burden to take another text book for school. She is funny and caring also.

Chemistry – This subject requires 50 % memorization and 50 % calculation. I think this subject is fun when you can fully grasp the idea and the formulae well but if you don’t, you will be in deep shit because the whole subject requires you to understand and fully command a certain area. Till now, I’m not really good at understanding electrolysis, which terminal is positive or negative, and the quantitative analysis of different salt. These things just make me go haywire sometimes.

We changed a total of three teacher for this subject. My recent teacher, shown in the picture above, is Mr Chow Chee Kit, an ex-Chung Ling student. Don’t mess around with him, for he was a Chung Ling student before. He is not that strict but when he is desperate to get our attention, he will show his true colours. Although he is not very pro in Chemistry (but in Biology), he makes an effort to teach so that we may understand this subject, which I admire him.

Additional Mathematics – I was not so sure about where I stood in this subject, for it is a new subject to me. It has been a rollercoaster ride for me because I often find myself tangled between the complicated and challenging questions in the subject. I really feared throughout the year that I will FAIL for this subject as many had had. Luckily, I managed to stay in the average throughout the year but Chung Ling is famous for clever Math students la. I did well in the first and third paper but did not do so well in the second paper. Let us that I can do well for the final exam.

Mr Ang Chin Han, is my Additional Mathematics teacher, who loves to put technology into good use. Though he put his heart into this project, he always seems to forget what he prepared sometimes, which I find it quite amusing. All he got to do is press the keys and teach us, what a good way to not waste the inks of marker pens. The only thing I find is, that Mr Ang is very kind, too kind indeed. He does not scold the playful boys from behind, but keep advising them to tone down. I pity him sometimes for being so helpless to find out that the boys do not heed his advice.

Physics – A love-hate relationship do I have with his subject. This subject requires more brains to do this, rather than just memorize the details. I’m not a fan of tons of formulae and it takes a toll of me as I almost FAIL this subject twice in a row, and the feeling is not good at all! To apply which formulae on which question is what makes me so frustrating at times. My friends are all treating Physics like a piece of cake or a tank of water because they think that all it needs is brain, which I obviously don’t have at all. I simply don’t understand how the hell my friends can fully grasp this almost impossible subject.

Another Chung Ling alumni, Mr Choong Wai Leong teaching me Physics this year. Rumours has spread around the school lately, but I think how he dealt with the punches was quite good. I think the reason why we didn’t like him so much as the other teacher because of his lack of experience in teaching. I think he can improve a lot better by putting himself out there and be much more confident with himself. And, sometimes when he jokes, we don’t get them and maybe we really misunderstood him. I’m of no power to criticize anybody, so I just go wherever the wind takes me next year…

History – I absolutely love to read History since Form 2 because I happened to get a very good teacher that really encourage me to study this subject. To learn the subject, is to learn about the past and remember them so that we don’t repeat what mistakes they made. It is also our great opportunity to understand what our ancestors did to fight for independence for this nation. Yes, maybe we maybe we will fret, complain, moan about the endless history of a certain topic, but we are privileged enough to learn something that others may not. History requires 100 % memorization and 100 % ONLY! Learn the concept and memorize the details… Do not hesitate to waste time complaining about the subject.

Madam Wong Ying Pheng is my  History teacher for this year, and she also manages to not put us to sleep for this so-called “boring” subjects. She is strict and probably we are the quietest in her class because no one wants to make her mad. She is not the typical “FIERCE” teacher but she is strict enough to discipline the whole class, which I find it very good. At least a quiet environment for me to listen. When she prepares the questions for History paper, you will be shocked to find that what you read normally will not be asked. Instead, she likes to ask us about the “Sudut Maklumat” which we will all miss out.

Moral Education – Great, another SPM subject. All you have to do is to memorize the 36 definitions of good morale values and put them to good use in the questions asked. We changed a total of 4 teachers for this subject. Teaching and learning Moral does not require any specialty to know it well, but the interaction between teacher and students is important for this subject. I wouldn’t say that the subject is much different from primary, is just that the language has just changed from Chinese to Malay. We are definitely exposed to good morale values to be educated for the better.

Miss Jaslyn Khor Wei Ling, which I probably have to confess is one of the prettier teachers in this school. She uses a microphone to teach us, which I find it quite amusing, as she has a small voice also. She has fashionable clothes that she wears it to school and a current hair style. She teaches me Moral Education for 3 months only, and I would say that she really bond well with her students.

Now, this is a tribute to a few of my teacher who have taught me for the past year and will be transferring to another school to another state next year. I will definitely miss them as we shared a year together as a teacher-student relationship.

Madam Yeoh Pheng Geok, used to be “Miss Yeoh” but she is married happily and will be transferring to PJ (if I’m not mistaken) next year. It was a shock to see her being transferred but what could I do? Write a letter to the Principal? lol. She is a devoted and dedicated Christian which I was exposed a lot to Christianity because of her. She taught me a lot and I definitely thank God for her utmost help throughout the year. She is kind and she NEVERS speaks Chinese in my class last year in 3TA5. “I promise the Principal that I would not speak other language other than English!” said Miss Yeoh. At last, I heard her taking Chinese at the last day of school. Thank God! I thought she was unable to speak one Chinese word… haha.

Here’s wishing her all the best in her teaching and happy marriage days…

Madam Yong Pek Ying was my Mathematics teacher when I was in Form 2. I could not find her (which is SAD!) at the last day of school to take a picture with her. Too bad but I remember that she is very adorable and she teaches pretty well. I enjoy being in her class as it was fun yet interesting.

Here’s wishing her all the best too in the future.

Teaches, who have taught me in different years on different occasions, thank you all so much for your endless dedication to educate everyone of us. It must be tough but I believe that everything you do to help us, will bear fruits in the end.

Thank you ,teachers!

Part 3 will be coming to share with you my Gurney outing with my friends later that day. Stay tuned!

20 November 2009 (Part 1-In School)

21 Nov

(Allow me to make some corrections for leaving out some of my friends)

This date is the last day I went to school as a Fourth Former with my friends. The post will be quite long so I decided to spilt it into two parts. It’s funny because I don’t really think that it’s the ending of the year, I just feel that there is more to come for us to endure and enjoy. The “Honeymoon Year” is finally over, and let me tell you, it ain’t no Honeymoon Year at all.

Form 4 has many goods and bads. My results are not outstanding like during Form 1, neither it’s not devastating like during Form 2, but to fall in the middle always makes me feel like I can do better. I definitely have more room to improve. I took my camera with PERMISSION, to capture my finest moments with my class 4SA3.

To be honest, 4SA3 was not the “perfect” class I imagined. The back are noisy and boisterous as usual… The both sides are damn hardworking and quiet… The front talks more to each other and to the teachers… Since I’ve posted most of the pictures in Facebook, I still decided to let the non-Facebook users to get an inside on what is in my class… You may see some pictures that are uploaded in Facebook too.

Every morning, when the sun has not risen, I will be standing on this spot to wait for my friend, Shaun JaKens, since we practice carpooling every day to and forth from school. We are protecting the environment, by carpooling. Just wish that more people can emulate from us. XD Anyways, I want to this chance to thank Shaun for his help throughout the year…

Shaun “JaKens” and I share almost the same passion, that is to sing, to write and to watch America’s Next Top Model (obviously). He is very outspoken and dares to make a statement in public, which I admire him for that. I have never been able to be so bold in front of people. He will be representing Malaysia to Singapore for an interact camp, after he was selected from a dozen of hopefuls.

Next, when I reach school, sometimes I will go straight up to my classroom, situated on the 3rd floor, or go to the Communication Broadcast Room for duty. Our main job is to play some music in the morning like the radio, and to make important announcements during school hours. One of the main highlight I like about this job, is to host the assembly. The feeling on stage is overwhelming. (ps: I like the attention too.)


The equipments used for broadcasting. It smells weird in the Broadcast room because it’ used to very stuffy. We cleaned up a bit and it improved just a bit.

This is one of the more active DJ, Wayne Lim (or chien ming) in our Club. He is our Vice President of the club and he loves to talk junk and rubbish through the microphone every single day. You can’t deny, he has some talent to think on his own feet without depending on any scripts. He has a sense of humour but has a terrible voice for singing. He can rap, he can act gay, he can dance( not really), but DO NOT go near him when he is singing. You should be thankful that your spectacles are not broken…

My other friends and colleagues from the club. Zonghan (The talented singer), Chun Kit (The Music Buzz-Ask him anything about entertainment), Marcus (President) and Wooi Keat (Good friend), taken in the Broadcast room. Zonghan always bullies me in class, but at least I got some attention from the back. I met Chun Kit during Form 2 and has been his friend for 2 years already, though in separate classes. I know Marcus in Form 2, but I think he changed for better now in Form 4, which is a good thing. Wooi Keat is one of my good friend from Form 2 onwards, and has been the way now.

When 7:30 in the morning arrives, we will all head back to our respective classes. Since today is the last day, the teachers are not teaching anymore. So we were quite free to do our own things, but not too noisy. Boys will be boys, how can they do something without making noises? Here are some pictures taken with my friends.

Left Picture: I’m posing with Alvin (left) and Edmund (right). Alvin looks so jubilant, wonder who is thinking of? Edmund finally flashes a smile on his face after acting so cool for so long… Both of them are my primary schoolmates and friends for many years… I think we have been friends for 7 years already.

Right Picture: I’m posing with Vincent (left) and Sparrow (right). These two are probably my closest friends in class and we talked a lot. I bug them a lot, I know. Chee Yang “Vincent” is quite sarcastic at times, but don’t underestimate this guy as he can beat you down with his academic results. I know, I’ve been beaten twice. Yi Jian “Sparrow” is a dedicated monitor who fulfills his responsibly well than others. He has a sense of humour and has been courteous and patient throughout the year.


Me posing with Zonghan (top) and Kah Beng (bottom). Zonghan has been quite the chatterbox in the box but with good English. Though he has a naughty side, he is very intelligent in his academic results. Kah Beng, on the other hand, is also palyful but may get a little emotional when he gets up from the wrong side of the bed. The two of them are friendly to me and they will remain in my memories. (sounds cheesy)

Me posing with Sean (eyes closed!), Kevin and Chang Sheng. Sean is one of the playful boys in the class but has remain “clean” due to his Christianity background. I never got a chance to talk to Kevin up close but I know that his English is super good. He does not like to smile… Chang Sheng likes to be goofy around the class with his dirty yet funny jokes. He can be very funny but sometimes, I dread his endless jokes in class.


Me posing with Cheng Chun Keat, Yeap Chun Keat, H’ng Lead Kert and Sky Teh. These are the more talented friends in the class. They are talented in different ways. Both Chun Keat are powerful in Chinese, Lead Kert is strong in his academic results and Sky is very active in Prefect and Cadet Police. I previously team up with both Chun Keat and Lead Kert in our inter-class debate to represent our class.


Me posing with Lloyd and Kooi Jin. It’s very hard to find Lloyd to smile in front of the camera, so I feel privileged to be in the same picture with him smiling. Lloyd is vocal and you can find him in a sea of people with his voice. Don’t think that his petite figure will be timid, for he has a big voice to shout without cracking. Kooi Jin can be a bit hostile if you catch him on the wrong day… A little bit crazy but quite nice to talk to him… He is also my “boss” that checks my secretary job as he is the president of the GERKO team. scary

One of my favourite pictures of the day. Me posing with Kah Beng, Kevin, Chang Sheng, Zonghan and Chun Keat. I swear if I have siblings like them above, I probably will not be here writing this post for y’all because I will DIED in the chaotic house. These guys are fun but I will not join them for too long because all the cheekiness is just CRAZY for me to handle.

Me posing with Khoon Hong, Jien Wei, Bi Jie and Yi Han, the more hardworking and silent predators in my class. They are very clever and Jien Wei has been the top in our class for four consecutive times… Once smart, always smart. Yi Han has probably the nicest, most neat handwriting I ever saw in my class. Both Khoon Hong and Bi Jie are the high authorities of the Librarians.

Me posing with Victor, Khoon Hong and Dominic. Victor is an Michael Jackson fan and is constantly imitating his vocal hiccups and dance moves, which are not necessarily on the note at times. He loves to imitate teachers also. Khoon Hong is the President of the Librarian while Dominic is part of the crazy boys in the class.

Next, friends from my debate team:

Ok, why do you have to go to Beijing, China to visit the Bird Nest Stadium when you can find just one on Chin Chern’s head? The prefect has a determination in everything he does, from studies to debates. He always keeps his hard exterior on the outside which is quite funny during debate. Kai Deng, the best speaker, never fails to be on top of everyone in debate. He definitely has a talent in this area and I hope he will continue to grow in debate. Khai Hean, the cutie panda-eyed, has a sense of humour which I think is cute. He is carefree but sometimes can be a bit serious.

Next, Christian friends of mine:

Desmond, Sean and Melvin. In conclusion, these people are very eager to spread His words around the school. Desmond was my ex-classmate in 3TA5, while Sean is my classmate now in 4SA3, and Melvin has never been in the same class with me before. lol. These people are good Samaritans and I am very happy to meet with them and to learn more each other and about Christianity.

Some more some more:

Me posing with Chee Jui, friend for 7 year plus and still growing. His curly hair is his trademark since young and has always been helpful to everyone. Don’t mess with him, for he is a Taekwondo Red Belt-er. lol

Lead Kert is probably one of my good friend in this class in the beginning of the year and still are (mind you a) because I still don’t know a lot of them. He is very helpful and I bug him a lot too. He never gets angry under tense situation and I really admire him for that. And, being a prefect doesn’t make him so snobby either. He still remains his friendly composure while still able to control the discipline of the school. He sits just behind me and I know him since Form 3.

Me posing with Chang Sheng, the crazy, playful friend in my class.

Me posing with Kah Beng, the emotional and whacky monitor of 4SA3.


Me posing with Dickson, one of the playful guys from the back, and his big buggy eyes as his trademark. He also has a girlfriend of the same age. Love defines everything, huh?


Me posing with Kee Khai, the very good man whom I never been in the same class with him. He always keeps his cool composure as we tease him with somebody. Come to think of that, I feel quite bad for him for teasing him so much. Maybe I should cut down on that, eh?

What will happen when Brandon meets with Brendon? Nothing happens! haha. He is my ex-classmate during Form 1 and he has a louder, bigger voice than me.

Me posing with Jason Ch’ng, a primary schoolmate, who also has a girlfriend of the same age.

Me posing with Cheng Chun Keat, the Chinese pro in our class. (ps: He loves to bully me)

Me posing with Kuanny Goh Chee Tatt with his I-don’t-know-what pose…

Me posing with B-Boy “Ilky” Tan Han Boon, who is also one of the playful boys in the class.

Me posing with Alaric, my primary school mate, who has a brain for everything and a scout too.

Me posing with Zhi Cheng, another ex-classmate of mine during Form 3. At first, I thought he would be one of the snobby prefects but after getting to know him better, he definitely has a soft side and is constantly joking in our class. He is also one of the prefects that doesn’t appear to be arrogant, which is a good thing.

Me posing with my ex-classmates of mine during Form 2, Chee Yong and Eric. Both of them are loud, opinionative but they are also friendly and courteous. Chee Yong is more sarcastic in his way of speaking. He aims to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia, which we will see in the future whether he succeeds of not. Eric had me confused in the first impression. I also thought he would be a haughty prefect and a rich ass guy too. That is why you have to talk to people to learn the real them because you can never judge a book by its cover.

Chao Dun is one of my friends I met during Malay tuition, the famous Lee Choo Hock tuition centre. He always jokes around with everybody, including the tuition teacher.

Well, that’s it, fellow readers for Part 1 of my last day in Chung Ling as a Fourth Former. You can check more of my pictures in Facebook (if you have an account, of course!) or you can wait for the next post to come. I will be posting pictures of me with my teachers and a little review of them. (not criticizing)

Till then, peace out and God bless!


18 Nov

Hey, fellow readers! I’m back after a short hiatus due to my preparation for my final examination. It was a lot of pressure but it’s finally over. I just have to sit for my English Paper 1 before we can celebrate. I probably will be taking my digital camera to take pictures with my friends.

SPM is here…I wonder how will I feel if I’m the taking the examination now? Never mind, my doubt will be answered next year… I don’t know how will I freak out? haha…

I am updating my blog more frequently now… Things I want to do during the holidays (hopefully!):

  • Learn more about God
  • Write half of my novel, The Awaken
  • Write the graduation song for my school
  • Write my songs for my imaginary album, Emotional
  • Revise Form 5 materials

I hope I can do all these things during the holidays… But, all work and no play makes Bra-n-Don (That’s right, that’s my pen name!) a dull boy, I’m going to hang out with my friends in Gurney and have fun before the holidays end…

Till then, I will be updating my review on America’s Next Top Model Cycle 13 girls soon… Ciao!